
Making Riverview home.

Who should apply?

Finding the Right Fit

Riverview School places a great deal of importance on the appropriateness of a candidate’s total application, the number of openings in each grade and dorm, and in ensuring a good fit between the applicant and students who are currently enrolled.

Riverview has a long standing commitment to neurodiversity and continues to enroll students who are neurodivergent. Our curriculum supports a variety of children and young adults who learn differently.

If your child meets the following criteria, they may be a candidate for Riverview:

  • Is described as gentle, friendly, kind, and naive 

  • Diagnosed language, learning and cognitive disabilities

  • Desires to make friends and is interested in forming relationships with others

  • Seeks social and extracurriculuar opportunities such as playing on sports teams, attending dances, participating in drama, music, art and student government

  • Responds well to a structured, supportive, predictable environment

  • Capable of greater success in the academic environment

  • Has mastered basic daily living skills and personal hygiene and self-care

  • Mild medical issues that complicate—but not compromise—daily activities

  • IQ and Achievement scores between 65–90 or functional abilities within that range (many times there is great variability)

Please Note: Students demonstrating a history of emotional, behavioral, psychiatric disorders, or requiring a therapeutic environment, are not able to be considered.

If you feel Riverview may be appropriate for your child, please fill out the inquiry form or call us with any questions you may have.

Learn More

Please take a moment to fill out an inquiry form.

Upon receipt, one of our admissions representatives will get in touch with you to learn more about your child and determine next steps.

Frequently asked questions

Parent FAQs

What materials make up the application packet?
  • Completed application form

  • Most recent IEP and progress report

  • Neuropsychological report (IQ and achievement tests)

  • Transcript

  • Life Skills Profile

  • Service reports (PT, OT, S/L, etc. if applicable)

  • Camp report (if applicable)

What happens after I submit the application packet?

Once documents are received and reviewed, an Admissions Associate will contact you within 7-10 days with information regarding next steps. During this period, part of the process is to reach out to professionals you have listed who know your child best. If we feel that we may be able to meet your child’s needs, the next step is a Zoom Interview.

Is an interview required as part of the admissions process?

Yes – the interview is typically about an hour and is done over Zoom. We have found that these meetings are better for your child in the mornings rather than after a full day of school, so we ask you to keep that in mind when finding a suitable time. A parent is generally close by in case the child gets 'stuck'. The conversation is very casual and questions include information about daily schedules, eating habits, likes and dislikes etc. There is also the opportunity for the child to ask questions. Interviews are conducted Monday – Friday mornings.

How do I prepare my child for the Zoom interview?

We suggest that you and your child visit our website and take the online tour together (insert link to tour). This helps them get a visual of our campus and may prompt them to come up with questions to ask during the interview. Interviews will be with Nancy Hopkins, Director of Admissions, Lauren Spencer, Admissions Associate, and/or Fran Wasley, Admissions Associate.

When can my child visit Riverview?

Once your child has interviewed and Admissions and families agree to go to the next step, your child will be invited to participate in a 3 day/ 2-night visit. If applying to the Day program, your child will participate in a 2-day (consecutive) visit. These visits are intended for your child to be fully immersed in our program. Visits are scheduled Monday through Friday and begin with a campus tour for you and your child. Take a tour!

What do we need to bring for the visit?

Students should bring all personal necessities for the visit. Button down or polo shirts, sweaters, casual slacks, skirts, leggings with a dress or long shirt, unripped jeans and sneakers are allowed during the academic day. For students visiting overnight, bedding is provided, however we recommend bringing a pillow from home. Students are expected to shower during their visit; towels and hygiene supplies, pajamas, a robe and shower shoes (i.e. flip flops/slides) should also be brought from home. While students may bring a cell phone on the visit, students are not allowed to carry their phone during school hours (exceptions for GROW visitors). There will be time in the schedule for you to connect with your child.

How much time is required of the family?

After the tour has concluded, you will meet with a member of the Admissions Team. If everyone is comfortable and in agreement, your child will start the visit and participate in all aspects just as if they were a fully enrolled student. At this time, families say good-bye and leave campus. The tour and meeting take approximately 1 ½ hours. Families will be asked to pick up their child at the agreed upon time at the end of the visit. 

When will we know the outcome of our child’s visit?

Information from your child’s visit is collected from the academic and residential team. The information is reviewed by the Admissions Committee and a decision regarding acceptance is usually made within a week of the visit. The Admissions team will be in contact with you within 24 hours of the decision.

Will an adult be in the dorm at all times?

Yes, we maintain our 8:1 ratio and one Residential Instructor sleeps overnight.

How will my child get their medications?

Medications are checked in through the Health Care Department. Medications will be sent to the dorm, residential instructors who are trained in medication delegation will dispense at appropriate times.

Student FAQs

What are the students at Riverview like?

They are gentle, friendly, and kind. They want to be successful in the classroom, have friends, play sports, go to dances and learn to be independent.

What classes will I see?

You will be placed in classes such as history, math, reading, writing, and electives.  team with students in your grade. We will not be testing you, we encourage you to participate in class if you are comfortable. A copy of your schedule will be provided to you before you arrive.

What types of questions will I be asked during the interview?

We ask questions about:

  • morning routine, school day schedule, homework, after school activities, etc..

  • responsibilities you have at home--chores, such as room care, cooking, laundry, pets, work experience, etc.

  • your friends, interests, weekend activities and what you like to eat

  • strategies you use when you are stressed or frustrated at home or at school

  • technology (cell phone, social media and internet)

Will I have help finding my way around campus?

Yes, someone will help get you to classes and activities.

Where will I sleep?

You will be in a dormitory with approximately 12 other students; 2 students to a room. Since you are visiting, we may place a rolling bed into a room with 1 or 2 other students.

What is the food like?

In the Middle & High School, we offer a variety of nutritious foods at each meal to appeal to all teenagers. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served in our dining room where a salad bar, fresh fruit and homemade soups are options in addition to the main meal.

In the GROW transition program, students prepare their own individual breakfast, eat lunch on campus in Hunter Commons and prepare dinner as a small group in their dormitory.

Should I bring a cell phone?

We encourage you to stay in touch with your family during your overnight visit. Cell phones are allowed on campus but are not to be used during the school day. There will be scheduled times for you to call or text your family.

GROW visitors may have their cell phones during the school day.

Will I have homework?

You will not have homework during your visit however please bring something quiet to do during homework hour.

Since GROW students do not have a designated homework hour, you may want to bring something quiet to do during downtime.

Visit Riverview

Join us for an Information Session

In-Person Information Sessions are held Friday mornings from 9:00 – 11:30 AM. Designed for parents and professionals, Admissions Staff welcome visitors to our campus, and introduce guests to our Middle & High School (grades 6-12) and GROW (Getting Ready for the Outside World) Transition Program in a presentation, followed by a Q&A Session and Campus tour.

Virtual Information Sessions are held Wednesday afternoons from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Designed for parents and professionals, Admissions Staff welcome visitors to our virtual campus, and introduce guests to our Middle & High School (grades 6-12) and GROW (Getting Ready for the Outside World) Transition Program in a presentation, followed by a Q&A Session.

NOTE: If the date you are looking for is not available on the form, that session is full so please select another date

Guided Tour of Campus

Check out our new Guided Tour of Riverview Campus with Admissions Associate, Lauren Spencer.


Get in Touch

Riverview School is dedicated to supporting students, parents, and families. Please reach out to our Admissions Office with questions about the admissions process, whether Riverview is right for your student, or any other inquiries you may have.

Riverview School
Attn: Admissions Office
551 Route 6A
East Sandwich, MA 02537

Phone: 508-888-0489


Learn More: For information about applying to Riverview, contact our admissions team or fill out an inquiry form.


Financial Information

Program Tuition Deposit
School Year (Day) - 2024/2025 $63,501 $7,000
School Year (Residential) - 2024/2025 $109,473 $10,000
Summer (Day) - 2024 $6,814 $2,500
Summer (Residential) - 2024 $11,170 $3,000

Financial Assistance

Riverview utilizes the School and Student Service for Financial Aid in Randolph, MA, in the analysis of applications for financial aid. While the aid program is modest, it does provide some assistance to those families who demonstrate clear financial need. For information about financial aid, loan programs or if your child receives third party funding, please contact Richard Dalrymple, Director of Finance, at or 508-888-0489 ext 214.

For most of our families, Riverview’s tuition, fees and related costs, such as transportation, may be fully tax-deductible as a medical expense. This reduces the effective cost to families by thousands of dollars each year. Individual circumstances will vary, so please consult your individual tax advisor regarding this deduction.

Use of Section 529 plans to pay tuition

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 contains a provision that allows use of Section 529 savings to pay for private K–12 education up to $10,000 per year, per child starting in 2018. Establishing and funding a Section 529 plan can provide significant tax benefits. See your investment advisor and accountant for more information.

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